May 102022
An HR position has invariably been a tough nut to crack. It certainly never has the same day because it has just so many people to meet and greet every day, for all the varied reasons. One of the main concerns is to hire the best credible candidate for any position.
The market is wide open and has many variations but not all the selections are the best to make. Some of them have different requirements and some are just not suitable for the position. Discovering the perfect ones is sure a hard task which makes rejections an often case. When the perfect candidate is found, the next obstacle that comes is compensation.
There are a few things that could be done to hire that suitable candidate with a fair compensation that would be profitable to both parties.

  1. Know your candidate’s minimum expectations.

Every candidate is different from the other and has different prospects as it is. Some of them do not belong to the relevant field but follow their interests in certain positions and give it a try. Also, there are a few from the applicable field and some with relative experience. Be it any of them, all of them have a minimum appetite for income, disregarding all the other things. Some hope for less and some hope for more but they all do anticipate something surely.

  1. Offer a negotiable salary range.

This does demonstrate to be one of the good means to make a judgment at a later stage. Not providing the exact compensation number, and notifying the range instead provides an ample gap that could later be negotiated. As an HR, you wish to conserve the money for the company and allocate the desired compensation to the suitable candidate. Offering a range makes it possible to later increase or decrease it after learning the candidate’s desired expectations. It often leads to a negotiation that could end up with good results.

  1. Understand the market value of the offered position

One of the most vital factors is market value. Given any position, it is important to offer a salary that is being offered in the market. If you offer a lower salary than the others, a few of them are bound to reject it. Once you provide in the range of the market value, they are bound to accept it, given that they’ll be offered the equal in all the different places. Then it will wholly depend on the company to finalize the hiring and the process would finish soon since the candidate is a promising one.

  1. Put the other perks and bonus cards on the table.

Sometimes, the salary budget given by the company seems to be maximized but if the candidate is a good one to let go, then you should try using other ways to convince them. The supplementary things that could work are the additional perks that the company provides. Be it some pick and drop, some meal facility, have it all out to lure the candidate to accept the offer. Also, year-end bonuses and festive bonuses accomplish success.

  1. Propose a few months’ probation periods.

Most of the time, it happens that the candidate is partially satisfied with the compensation but still seeks to receive a little more than that. Well, it’s not a wrong desire as such. And the candidate is a decent one. In that case, a probation period could be a better option. This gives time to both the HR and the candidate to judge things. The HR can conclude if the candidate is indeed capable of being provided with more or not. At the same time, the candidate gets the gist of what the work exactly consists of. The probation period can last anywhere from one month to six months, generally.

  1. Make a good bond with the candidate.

This step, if not, can be considered one of the most important ones. Believe it or not, a simple rapport does make a person lose their judgments. A candidate desires a friendly atmosphere while working and a kind that would make it comfortable for them to work. At the start, HR is the face of the company for the candidate. Based on how HR treats the candidate, they make a mental note on the company. If HR provides a friendly bond and enough comfort for the candidate to share their honest reviews, the candidate is bound to accept the provided compensation just to at least have a good atmosphere while working.

  1. Be prepared to make a choice.

There undoubtedly are different kinds of people and there are tons of different ways to deal with them. Some are demanding while some are not. As it is, it’s not easy to find the desired candidate but having their few demands to fulfill is an issue. Some of them are surely ready to accept but express small requests that they want to be fulfilled to take up the position. While some could be fulfilled, some are not. So, at such crucial times, it is better to make a choice. A choice to either provide the candidate or to drop them. Choose whatever appears more beneficial.

  1. Knowing the bottom line and when to quit.

This is one of the important things to keep in mind. Surely, desired candidates don’t line up in number but that doesn’t mean if one is missed there isn’t anyone else. The candidate can be provided with everything but still, wish for something more. At times like these, persuading them into accepting the offer wouldn’t work. So, it is better to let them go and find a better suitable candidate for the position who doesn’t have so many demands. Also, the company holds a reputation that should be protected.

End of the day, these are a few things that could be done to hire the most suitable candidates for the position. Surely, not all of them suggest hiring them but all of them do signify finding an agreeable term for both the parties to benefit. Also, one should always believe that there exists a perfect candidate that will come along the way, some way or the other. So, just wait for them.