Reasons and Remedies For Refund Failure
You might have faced the cases where even after return is filled correctly and intimation is received, your account is not get credited with refund amount. This happens so even after waiting for 6 month to one year. A list covering the all possible reasons for not crediting the refund to your account is made available to you so that next time while filling your return you must take care of these factors.
In this document we have discussed 15 Reason for Failure or non -issuance of Income Tax Refund and Solutions for the same.
- Expired Cheque
Due to delayed receipt of cheque or non presentation of cheque on time it is observed that your refund cheque has been expired. You are requested to apply for refund reissue to claim your refund. See our next document on “How to claim for re-issue of refund”.
Issues Related to A/c No and A/c Descriptions
- Incorrect A/C No
The account number provided by you was incorrect. You are requested to apply for refund reissue by providing the correct account number to claim your refund. Few reasons of your account no being incorrect are listed below:
- Incorrect A/C Number Length
The account number provided by you was incorrect. You are requested to apply for refund reissue by providing the correct account number to claim your refund.
- Invalid A/C Number
The account number provided by you was invalid. You are requested to apply for refund reissue by providing the correct account number to claim your refund.
- Invalid A/C Number: Between two special characters there should be atleast one alphabet/number
The account number provided by you was invalid. You are requested to apply for refund reissue by providing the correct account number to claim your refund.
- Invalid A/C Number: First Character in A/C No should be an alphabet/number only
The account number provided by you was invalid. You are requested to apply for refund reissue by providing the correct account number to claim your refund.
- Invalid A/C Number: Last Character in A/C Number should be a number
The account number provided by you was invalid. You are requested to apply for refund reissue by providing the correct account number to claim your refund.
- Invalid A/C Number: Numeric string between alphabets or special characters cannot be all zeros
The account number provided by you was invalid. You are requested to apply for refund reissue by providing the correct account number to claim your refund.
- Invalid character in A/C Number
The account number provided by you was invalid. You are requested to apply for refund reissue by providing the correct account number to claim your refund.
- Account has been closed
The account number provided by you was closed. You are requested to apply for refund reissue to claim your refund with new account number.
Necessary details are not / wrongly furnished in return
- Mandatory fields missing: (Account Number/Account Name/Account Type/Address 1/City/State/Pincode)
Mandatory fields like Account Number, Account Name, Account Type, Address line 1, City, Pincode were not provided by you. You are requested to apply for refund reissue to claim your refund by providing the above mentioned mandatory details.
- Incorrect MICR code/unavailable
The MICR code provided by you was incorrect or not provided. You are requested to apply for refund reissue by providing the correct MICR code to claim your refund.
- Invalid character in Account Name or Name too short
The account name provided by you had invalid character or name too short. You are requested to apply for refund reissue by providing the correct account name to claim your refund.
- No numeric digit in Account Number
The account number provided by you was invalid. You are requested to apply for refund reissue by providing the correct account number to claim your refund.
- Invalid IFSC code
The IFSC code provided by you was invalid. You are requested to apply for refund reissue by providing the correct account number to claim your refund. The refund reissue can be applied through online by following above.
After taking care of above you are sure your return is filled correctly. Now there are certain other reasons which you should control after filing your return so that your refund shall not get unnecessary delayed. Keep on reading our blog on “Reasons and remedies of refund failure”.