Improving Your
Business Today
Instant XBRL
Key Features:
- As per Revised Schedule III Taxonomy (IND AS)
- Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss (AOC 4)
- Cost Audit Report & Compliance Report in XBRL format
- Taxonomy Treeview for easy navigation, browsing and searching.
- Detailed Information about each element of Taxonomy.
- Facility to create Tuple (Multi Record Element) at Taxonomy Tree itself.
- User friendly Data Entry Screen.
- Import Data from Existing Excel Files of Balance Sheets and Profit & Loss Statements
- Professional can send excel templates to their clients for easy data entry which can be imported in software.
- Easy drag-drop facility of data.
- Specify Currency, Precision for each elements
- Footnotes for each element. Utilise same footnote for multiple elements
- Copy and Paste Notes to Accounts from Word/Excel/Html Files/Txt Files. Format will be maintained as it is.
- Inbuilt validation at entry level to avoid data entry mistakes.
- Validation for mandatory elements and other requirements for XBRL Filing.
- Preview XBRL Document before finally generating it
- Generate XBRL Instance document at click of a button
- Validate through MCA validation utility.
- Facility to create Standalone & Consolidated Financial Statements as per MCA requirements
- Masters of Units, Precision, Context
- Masters of Entities and their subsidiaries
- Automatic updates available in the software for timely updates.
- Data back facility available in the software to take the backup on regular basis.
- No Expertise required
- Tag, Review, Generate, Preview, File.
- User friendly, Easy to use. Flexible enough to handle all your XBRL requirements.