Improving Your
Business Today
Instant XBRL
Key Features:
- As per Revised Schedule III Taxonomy (IND AS)
- Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss (AOC 4)
- Cost Audit Report & Compliance Report in XBRL format
- Taxonomy Treeview for easy navigation, browsing and searching.
- Detailed Information about each element of Taxonomy.
- Facility to create Tuple (Multi Record Element) at Taxonomy Tree itself.
- User friendly Data Entry Screen.
- Import Data from Existing Excel Files of Balance Sheets and Profit & Loss Statements
- Professional can send excel templates to their clients for easy data entry which can be imported in software.
- Easy drag-drop facility of data.
- Specify Currency, Precision for each elements
- Footnotes for each element. Utilise same footnote for multiple elements
- Copy and Paste Notes to Accounts from Word/Excel/Html Files/Txt Files. Format will be maintained as it is.
- Inbuilt validation at entry level to avoid data entry mistakes.
- Validation for mandatory elements and other requirements for XBRL Filing.
- Preview XBRL Document before finally generating it
- Generate XBRL Instance document at click of a button
- Validate through MCA validation utility.
- Facility to create Standalone & Consolidated Financial Statements as per MCA requirements
- Masters of Units, Precision, Context
- Masters of Entities and their subsidiaries
- Automatic updates available in the software for timely updates.
- Data back facility available in the software to take the backup on regular basis.
- No Expertise required
- Tag, Review, Generate, Preview, File.
- User friendly, Easy to use. Flexible enough to handle all your XBRL requirements.
What our Clients say About us
We have a decade-long association with Sensys Technologies. We are proud users of Sensys's various software be it HRM Thread, Asset Thread, Easy TDS, EasyPay, and our experience has been very good. The sales Team, Support Team are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up team Sensys. Good Luck.
Exim Transtrade India Pvt. Ltd.
We are using Sensys Software since 2017 it is amazingly easy to use and their support team is also very help full.
We are using Sensys Hrmthread software here at Healthcell Services, it has become an important and most useful part of our organization so far!
Healthcell Services
We are using Sensys EasyTDS & HRMTHREAD since 2012 in Darvesh Group it perfectly handled our problems and give solutions in time!
Darvesh Group
At V-Trans India Ltd, we are using the EasyTDS software package of Sensys since 2007, It is user-friendly since then to now!
V-Trans India Ltd
We are using hrmthread software since 2008 in Precihole Machine Tools Pvt. Ltd. hrmthread software is very user-friendly.